Surreptitious Psychosis
A Peek In My Head...

Putting the "fun" in disfunctional since 1978!

Name: Aza
From: Florida, United States

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    Sunday, August 20, 2006

    Bootstraps- a work related rant- revisited, revised and uncensored

    I’m desperately seeking to regain some semblance of peace, patients and tolerance AGAIN. So I’m going to have myself a(nother) good old fashioned (uncensored) fit. I’m going to kick, scream and curse- get it all out of my system and hopefully move the fuck on with my life (but I doubt it).

    This is an entry you will want to skip. The countdown to me showing my ass begins now.

    Military wife is AGAIN pissing me the fuck off because I got called by the 19 year old boss on her behalf (AGAIN) a few days ago. What wonderful information did she have to bestow upon me? Apparently I will be pulling 6 day work weeks for the entire fucking month of September. Why? Because military wife after much whining, crying and bitching to her parents actually got a fucking plane ticket to travel half way around the planet to vacation with her husband who is stationed in another country. Why? Because much to her dismay, she was informed that the military (and my fucking tax dollars) won’t buy her a plane ticket to fly half way around the planet to vacation with her husband. She was fucking depressed about it and showing her ass; mommy and daddy felt real bad, gave in and bought the ticket. So I have to reschedule my fucking life around her, AGAIN! My other co-workers will hardly even notice the change because they had already signed up for fall term and will be in class while I work her shifts as well as mine.

    Now to a few of the repercussions in my world….I will not be able to enroll in fall semester because of having to work her shifts and mine, I will have to reschedule my Monday sessions with Whore-Hey, and every other appointment in my life, yes, because I’ll be working her fucking shifts- and most importantly- all this while desperately trying to hold my home and a 10 year marriage together only to find that I may be fighting a battle I already lost. So, there’s a possible divorce in my midst (that’s another long fucking story).

    Here are a few points I’d love to get off of my chest to dear military wife, AGAIN

    1/ FUCK YOU!!!! Men are fucking dying in a desert right now and wives are being notified by the evening fucking news! Your husband is stationed far, far away from insurgents, Osama Bin-fucking-Laden, death and all of the horrors associated with sand, hot fucking climates and war. These poor women being notified won’t have the luxury of seeing their husband in a few months, they just got told he’s never coming home!

    2/ The wives of these men at WAR go to fucking work every fucking day. They live, they work, they take care of their families, they support each other. They have more strength and intestinal fortitude in their weakest moments than you do in your strongest.

    3/ I’d LOVE for you to meet some of the military women I know, start your bitching about how you only spoke to your husband three fucking times today(!!!), and I’d love even more to watch them kick your sniveling ass (considering some of them haven‘t heard their husbands voice for months).

    4/ You need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get the fuck over yourself, dear child. You’re lucky and you’re a fucking asshole for not seeing that.

    5/ Contrary to what you believe YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY FUCKING WOMAN GOING THROUGH THIS!!!!! When this fact is mentioned to you, you fucking ignore it and start whining, tears and all, about how no one could possibly know how hard this is. Did I mention, FUCK YOU!!!?

    6/ Now that mommy and daddy were duped into buying you the fucking plane ticket to go visit him and I get to cover your goddamned shifts (AGAIN!!!) I fully expect you to show some fucking gratitude and shut the fuck up when you get back!

    And finally,

    7/ If hear you whine pitifully “He’ll be home in December, but I’m going to be so mad if it’s after the 16th because I want him here for my birthday!!!” one more time- So help you Christ, I’m going to do something really, really, really beyond horrible to you. December is also when my birthday falls. By then I very well may not have a fucking husband to celebrate it with you inconsiderate, miserable, bratty little fucking shit!


    Thanks for continuing to fuck everyone and their families (particularly mine) in the ass by making the schedule revolve around you! (for the 50th fucking time)


    That bullshit phone call you made tonight to “check in on me” and “just see how I’m doing” was nothing more than that. Bullshit. It was an extremely poor attempt at a fact finding, pump Aza for information mission. I know the 19 year old boss was there listening in to see where I stand on the various work related issues you addressed in such a superficial manner. Next time you try that, do us both a favor and save us both some time; piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining- I might walk away from it with a little more respect for you for at least bullshitting me to my fucking face.



    4 Thoughts On The Subject

    Blogger david james keaton said...

    i'm guessing she constantly brings up his military service to reminds everyone what a fucking hero he is. fuck that shit. you know what really gets me though? the fact that her life seems to be completely about HIS`life. i am so completely disgusted with females who base their worth on whatever their boyfriend or husband are doing, and smugly consider this some kind of accomplishment, as if they've won the game of life and can gauge their success by attaching themself to another person's goals or concerns. she puts women back a couple hundred years and is nothing but walking meat. seriously, it's too bad you can't just walk up to a chick like that, put about 5 questions to her to reveal how useless and dependent she is, then throw her into a woodchipper to make some Soylent Green crackers. and she's not that rare either. i've worked with girls who do nothing but describe their boyfriends' daily trials as if it's their own problems. not one word about their own opinions or frustrations. the whole time i'm picture them like they're an Ace Ventura talking asshole. you simply cannot underestimate these creatures. this is why, when someone signed me up for one of those online dating things (as a joke or an insult? i'm not sure which) and when i answered the 90 page questionairre for the hell of it, and to show that i'm a good sport, it responds back: (i'm completely serious here. i proudly printed this out) "we're sorry, our service cannot work for you. this happens to about 5% of potential singles. sorry we've wasted your time"

    yes! it is confirmed! i am completely incompatable with human beings! er, i mean, with OTHER human beings.

    1:19 PM  
    Blogger Kilroy_60 said...

    I was rolling along writing comments...and I think I wrote the wrong URL for my new blogspot on a comment or two. So I will leave this for you here and look forward to you visiting.

    I'll be back to visit you soon.

    Fear And Loathing - The Blog Papers

    9:44 PM  
    Blogger jinx protocol said...

    How many messy work situations - involving blood and guns and stuff - do you think blogging has prevented? Hmm...

    10:22 PM  
    Blogger Aza said...

    ~Faerie- I don’t know how you did it! I bow to you!

    ~Maevyn- 1/ LOVE “whoreanus” and I’m totally stealing it! And 2/ I’d like nothing more than to take turns kicking the shit out of her though the “dragged out in the street & shot” idea makes me a little more excited than I‘d like to admit!

    ~David- You’ve got her pegged, dead on- Ace Ventura talking asshole and all! Soylent Green crackers!!! Now there’s another great fuckin’ idea!!! And as for you being “completely incompatable with other human beings“, sorry, I just don’t see it. I’d be willing to bet all the tea in China that you’re quite a catch!

    ~Kilroy- I’ll be updating my roll ASAP. I’ve got a nasty case of “head in ass” syndrome going on right now.

    ~Tyler- I know this blog has prevented at least two potentially postal situations in my world. :)

    8:42 PM  

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